Page name: young writer [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-27 20:18:09
Last author: Rove
Owner: Rove
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WELCOME To Young Writer

Owned by:[Rove]


I havent updated in ages XD lol so nothing is reall new... im sorry im never on any more...-.- Sorry Sorry Sorry...oh also has any one here gotten on writersco? im on there as NeverMore ^^ hope to see you guys there im planning on making this wiki over there WOot ^^

Young Writer banners: to add or get a banner

Young Writer members: to join

R Zone R rated for curseing and stuff

Story Quotes

  Hello and wellcome to young writer. Founded for those who like to write (duh). Even though it says young all are wellcome. This is a friendly for all ages wiki so please try not to curse in here...Thanks... I made the R rated wiki for a reason. Some things arent for childerns eyes.

  I've Made it so you can easyly become a member with out asking me to update anything but if some one messes with it will have to use passwords again.

1. NO curseing or sexuual content respectfull (and all that cr...stuff ^^;)

Last updated April 25,2006 8:37am EST
its my little brothers birthday his 14 now)

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2005-06-23 [Rove]: finaly i got the damn link to work yeahhhhh

2005-06-23 [Feasting on Needles]: I'm working on my book tooooo! Go us!

2005-06-24 [Rove]: go anza

2005-06-28 [Feasting on Needles]: I wanna join!

2005-06-28 [Rove]: your up there dumb ass

2005-06-28 [Feasting on Needles]: .< I'm smart

2005-06-28 [the phantom that haunts you]: hey um im a writer too^^ im kinda stuck at the moment but i guess thats because ive been distracted by msn...

2005-06-29 [Feasting on Needles]: My book still has a working title >.<

2005-06-29 [Rove]: nice one ana my titles arent final eather

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol this one doesnt even have a title!! haha im gunna wait till its all done cuz then ill know what happens

2005-06-29 [Rove]: lol

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol well i cant thnink of one..dunno why...*spins around* weeeeeeee too hyper i think

2005-06-29 [Rove]: yeah hyperness is fun

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: hehe VERY fun^^

2005-06-29 [Feasting on Needles]: I already WROTE most of it, I'm just typing now >.< go to 

2005-06-29 [Rove]: fun i have only typed 7 pages but wrote about 90

2005-06-29 [Feasting on Needles]: *nods* I have a bunch of notebooks of it

2005-06-29 [Rove]: fun

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: hehe ive only done about 7 pages of this older one..the oldest known one i have, was about 200 pages before i stopped it, i got bored of it lol

2005-06-29 [Rove]: ive started about 7 million books lol

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol i know i alwys do that, sometimes they only last about a paragraph before i move on ><

2005-06-29 [Feasting on Needles]: Whenever I don't want to finish, I shorten it and make it a short story. :p

2005-06-29 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol i cant make short stories, mine are too long to be short >< anyways good so far, i just finished the prologue..i may be a fast typer but when it comes to reading...euh..x.x anyways whats an arken?

2005-06-29 [Feasting on Needles]: It's a race I can up with ^_^ Go to the "fics" section of the page I gave you the link for and It explains everything

2005-06-30 [the phantom that haunts you]: im lost x.x

2005-06-30 [Feasting on Needles]: Nah, you're just dumb :p

2005-06-30 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol haha too many ppl say that x.x

2005-07-02 [Kumagoro]: yay, I've been added.

2005-07-02 [Rove]: yep ^^ woot

2005-07-02 [Rove]: -.- i bored now *yawns*

2005-07-02 [Feasting on Needles]: *nod* Hehe

2005-07-02 [the phantom that haunts you]: well this is exciting lol

2005-07-02 [Rove]: very exiting

2005-07-13 [Slaughterâ„¢]: hmm i wrote a story doubt it be comsidered a book do to its only 4 pages long lol...but i am working on another story called highschool little dilema

2005-07-13 [Rove]: ^^ good for you^^;

2005-07-13 [Feasting on Needles]: I started another... about a bat deamon ^.^ He's shmexy... my first attempt at drawing anthro! YEIII!

2005-07-13 [Rove]: .......................

2005-07-14 [Feasting on Needles]: I drew the main character from the story... 

2005-07-15 [Feasting on Needles]: *glomps Kai*

2005-07-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: we have a new member...since when??

2005-07-15 [Feasting on Needles]: Sice Kai added them... XD!

2005-07-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol well then

2005-07-15 [Feasting on Needles]: Good gosh, It's hard to make doll clothes with the fan on! XD

2005-07-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol i imagine it would be:P

2005-07-15 [Feasting on Needles]: Yeep... I'm making an 80s themed set, I even did the doll's hair pink and blue ^.^

2005-07-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: haha awsome!!

2005-07-16 [Feasting on Needles]: <<<<UPDATED! And I changed the title! more like- I figured out what it was (lol)

2005-07-16 [Rove]: .....

2005-07-16 [Feasting on Needles]: What?

2005-07-19 [the phantom that haunts you]: boo

2005-07-19 [Feasting on Needles]: Boo???? O_O

2005-07-19 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol yeh

2005-07-30 [Rove]: haza ana now we have another book to add to our list....what was it called again...something about an idiot..........or two ^^

2005-07-30 [Feasting on Needles]: 'A day in the life of an idiot... or two.'

2005-07-30 [the phantom that haunts you]: lol interesting

2005-07-30 [Rove]: yep ^^

2005-08-10 [Gliowien]: I wanna join. I have a lot of stories. Even my friends approve of the one I let them read.

2005-08-11 [the phantom that haunts you]: awsomenesss, ive got a new one, im liking this one more, Kashi, think your interested in hel[ping with a wiki?

2005-08-11 [Feasting on Needles]: Sure

2005-08-12 [the phantom that haunts you]: kewl kewl, ill email you the story then, later though im kinda distracted now

2005-08-12 [the phantom that haunts you]: thank you^^

2005-08-15 [Feasting on Needles]: KABAM!

2005-08-15 [Rove]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*runs away*

2005-08-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: ...*eye twitches*

2005-08-15 [Feasting on Needles]: You should space out the stuff... like the names

2005-08-15 [the phantom that haunts you]: well im completley lost, what are we talking about now? :S:S:S

2005-08-15 [Feasting on Needles]: Nothing that concerns you

2005-08-16 [Rove]: thats mean.....

2005-08-16 [the phantom that haunts you]: w.e

2005-08-16 [Rove]: ......

2005-08-27 [Gliowien]: hey, I wanna add a couple of my story Titles under my name.... can I?

2005-08-27 [Rove]: yeah ^^ just tell me what they are ^^

2005-08-27 [Gliowien]: 1. the Killer Prince (title not final) 2. Pirates 3030 3. Braided Blood: Eternity Rose and 4. Assassins

2005-08-27 [Gliowien]: thanks :3

2005-08-28 [Rove]: welcome

2005-08-28 [Gliowien]: yeah!!! :3

2005-08-28 [Rove]: ^^ lol new banner*claps*

2005-08-28 [Gliowien]: ^.^

2005-08-30 [fhdyhtry5u9]: Oh, Nice banner

2005-08-30 [Gliowien]: Yup. Nice.

2005-08-31 [Rove]: thanx ^^

2005-09-04 [fhdyhtry5u9]: KAI! I RETURN! ADD ME BACK! ^_________^

2005-09-04 [Rove]: ok...

2005-09-05 [Feasting on Needles]: Yyyyaay

2005-09-19 [Rove]: na ive had to re right my book for the trird time cause i messes up the plot damn it >.< grrrr...

2005-09-19 [Gliowien]: its ok -.-, just be happy! add some plot twists! :3

2005-09-19 [Rove]: i know.... i forgot someone was already dead...and i made them in the story >< thats no good

2005-09-20 [Gliowien]: hmmm.....

2005-09-20 [Rove]: i see dead people XD

2005-09-20 [Gliowien]: lol XD

2005-09-21 [Child of God]: I smell them, does that count?

2005-09-21 [Gliowien]: yew...... XD

2005-09-21 [Gliowien]: I have a new story m working on. its calleld "Better" if yall can add it for me

2005-09-21 [Child of God]: My muse finally came back to me!! I got an outrageous story idea while falling alseep in history on Monday!! It's called "Progress"

2005-09-21 [Rove]: ok peeps ^^

2005-09-22 [Case Open]: Oh my gosh, I got my story idea from falling asleep in History too. But I'm not a member here, so my story can't be posted :(

2005-09-22 [Rove]: you can join just tell me your title ^^

2005-09-22 [Case Open]: Um, it's called Jack the Ripper, I've started a page on it, but... I don't know how to update or do anything on it, so I had somebody else do it for me, and they aren't helping me anymore. But thank you very much for leting me join!

2005-09-22 [Rove]: ok ^^ hahah i kinda have to put the people on so people dont edit it...its happened to me before....-.-;

2005-09-23 [Case Open]: Aww, that's mean that people edit your wiki

2005-09-23 [Rove]: i know -.- they suck

2005-09-23 [Case Open]: Thank you very much.

2005-09-23 [Rove]: ^^ your welcome and welcome to our wiki ;P

2005-09-23 [Case Open]: :D Thank you^^ I'm glad to be in this wiki

2005-09-24 [Rove]: *claps* so is your book about jack the ripper? or just the title?

2005-09-24 [Case Open]: It is about a man who's name is Jack, who's killing everybody that he went to school with except for two people, and these two people happen to be detectives, and he's like playing with them, and only killing the people that mean the most to them, or he'll kill the people that they hated the most in school, and they have to try and save them. I found myself really wrapped up in it.

2005-09-24 [Rove]: cool like a modern jack the ripper?

2005-09-24 [Case Open]: Yeah, exactly! If you had email, i'd send it to you to read ^^

2005-09-24 [Rove]: ok i have an email ^^ lol... its

2005-09-24 [Case Open]: Markers of doom, that's funny

2005-09-24 [Rove]: thats what my mom says...

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Lol, sorry >.<

2005-09-25 [Child of God]: Hey, could you please add my story titles under my name?

2005-09-25 [Rove]: yeah what is it....?

2005-09-25 [Child of God]: there's a long list; The Messenger, Nothing But Truth, Shadows of Another Time, In the Beginning, The Key, Inatsu, Only One, Uncertanties, Divinity and the newest, Progress

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Wow, there's a few of them that sound really interusting! ^^

2005-09-25 [Rove]: 0.0 so many....

2005-09-25 [Child of God]: ^-^' Sorry. Progress has just been started but the other ones are almost done

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Wow, so many and none of them are finished?

2005-09-25 [Child of God]: Well, The Messenger, Nothing But Truth and Shadows of Another Time is a trilogy, In the Beginning is the Prologue to the trilogy and the others, well, writer's block ^-^. But my muse is back so I'm working on them again! Yay!

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